Zing Super FTA Box HD 300+ FTA Channels for 4 Years with FREE HDMI Cable
  •  Zing Super FTA Box HD 300+ FTA Channels for 4 Years with FREE HDMI Cable
  •  Zing Super FTA Box HD 300+ FTA Channels for 4 Years with FREE HDMI Cable

Zing Super FTA Box HD 300+ FTA Channels for 4 Years with FREE HDMI Cable


    Prepaid / Cash on Delivery

  • - Product Code: ZingSuperFTAHD
  • - Reward Points: 28
  • - Availability: In Stock
₹2,599.00 ₹1,189.00

Price in reward points: 1380

Zing Super FTA Box HD 300+ FTA Channels for 4 Years with HDMI Cable

Buy Zing Super FTA Box HD with Cash on Delivery

This box offers more than 400+ paid and free channels. It comes with a 4-year Zing FTA pack that allows users to watch free channels without paying monthly NCF. To subscribe to a paid channel, you must pay the price along with an additional flat Rs 10 each as the network capacity fee. 

You can order DishTV Zing Super HD Box or d2H Zing HD Box with Cash on delivery and online payments. You can find the Zing Super FTA channels list

For example -

if you subscribe to ZEE CINEMA your monthly charge will be Rs 19 + Rs 10 = Rs 29 (GST additional).

How to Activate Zing Super FTA HD Box? -

Just type a message from the mobile number that you want to register.


Sent this SMS to 57575 or 9212012299

You will receive a confirmation message from 57575 or 9212012299. if you are not receiving the message, then try another number.

You can read more about how to activate the Zing Super FTA box

You can subscribe to sports channels during important matches and drop them later to use the STB with FTA channels for free.  This flexibility to choose and pay for NCF only on paid channels makes it unique and the best option for those who only watch a few pay channels.

Once purchased, the FTA pack will activate your 4-year FTA pack and give you the connection details so that you can manage your pack. 

This is a Zing Super HD Box only, with no dish antenna or installation service. It will be sent to your address and will take 6 to 7 days to be delivered. Place the order only if you already have a DTH-compatible antenna installed/fixed/New in your premises and know how to set it up.

You can Install the Zing Super HD Set-top box or Antenna with the help of your local DTH technician.

Note: You can install Zing HD Box towards d2h and DishTV satellite, so you can make it DishTV Zing HD Box or d2h Zing HD Box.

For any other query, you can talk to 9501795017 by providing your registered number and VC number or visit the Dish TV website

Disclaimer: Once the order is delivered it can not be returned, you will get service or warranty directly from the company. You can contact customer care for any issue.

ध्यान दे  - ज़िंग HD बॉक्स को क़ैश ऑन डिलीवरी प्राप्त करने के बाद, एक्टिवेशन का SMS भेजे फिर 101 का रिचार्ज करना अनिवार्य है। रिचार्ज करने पर 125 का बैलेंस आपके VC अकाउंट में आ जायेगा। जिसका उपयोग आप किसी भी पे टीवी चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करके कर सकते है। रिचार्ज करने के बाद, चैनल नंबर 101 या 100 लगाए और 15 मिनट तक चलने दे। ज़िंग सुपर HD बॉक्स अपने आप एक्टिवेट हो जायेगा। 

Note - After receiving Cash on Delivery for the Zing HD box, send an SMS for activation, and then a recharge of 101 is mandatory. After recharging, a balance of 125 will be credited to your VC Account. Which you can use by subscribing to any pay TV channel. After recharging, dial channel number 101 or 100 and let it run for 15 minutes. Zing Super HD box will get activated automatically.

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